Install Cryptocurrency Apps

With your device initialized, you can now install apps for the cryptocurrencies you wish to manage.

  1. Open Ledger Live: Navigate to the “Manager” tab.
  2. Install Apps: Browse and install the apps for the cryptocurrencies you plan to use, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more.

Add Accounts

To manage your crypto assets, you need to add accounts within Ledger Live.

  1. Navigate to Accounts: Click on the “Accounts” tab in Ledger Live.
  2. Add Accounts: Select the cryptocurrency and follow the prompts to add an account.

Transfer Your Crypto

Now that your Ledger device is set up and accounts are added, you can transfer your cryptocurrencies to your Ledger wallet.

  1. Receive Crypto: Select the account you want to receive into and click “Receive.” Follow the instructions to generate a receiving address.
  2. Send Crypto: To send crypto, select the account and click “Send.” Enter the recipient’s address and the amount to send, then confirm the transaction.